Gold medals are awarded to the top placing individuals in IPSC sanctioned matches. (See Match Results)

Please note:
Medals are awarded to Division winners (Open, Standard, Classic, Production and Revolver) only when there are at least 10 competitors in the Division Division for Level III matches (20 competitors in the Division for Level IV and higher matches), and to Category winners (Lady, Junior, Senior, Super Senior) only when there are at least 5 competitors in the Category.


IPSC Region


[FLAG] Germany (GER) 316
[FLAG] Russia (RUS) 304
[FLAG] Brazil (BRA) 239
[FLAG] Philippines (PHI) 185
[FLAG] Canada (CAN) 138
[FLAG] Greece (GRE) 136
[FLAG] Australia (AUS) 129
[FLAG] Austria (AUT) 113
[FLAG] Czech Republic (CZE) 108
[FLAG] Poland (POL) 103
[FLAG] France (FRA) 97
[FLAG] South Africa (RSA) 95
[FLAG] Italy (ITA) 93
[FLAG] Norway (NOR) 93
[FLAG] Sweden (SWE) 76
[FLAG] Switzerland (SUI) 69
[FLAG] Finland (FIN) 65
[FLAG] Thailand (THA) 61
[FLAG] Slovak Republic (SVK) 58
[FLAG] Great Britain (GBR) 57
[FLAG] United States (USA) 53
[FLAG] Serbia (SER) 50
[FLAG] Spain (ESP) 47
[FLAG] Indonesia (INA) 47
[FLAG] Argentina (ARG) 46
[FLAG] Estonia (EST) 40
[FLAG] New Zealand (NZL) 40
[FLAG] Netherlands (NED) 39
[FLAG] Denmark (DEN) 34
[FLAG] Bulgaria (BUL) 33
[FLAG] Ukraine (UKR) 28
[FLAG] Lithuania (LTU) 27
[FLAG] Hungary (HUN) 25
[FLAG] Belgium (BEL) 22
[FLAG] Hong Kong, China (HKG) 19
[FLAG] Jamaica (JAM) 17
[FLAG] Guatemala (GUA) 16
[FLAG] Israel (ISR) 15
[FLAG] Belarus (BLR) 14
[FLAG] Portugal (POR) 10
[FLAG] Slovenia (SLO) 10
[FLAG] Chile (CHI) 9
[FLAG] Uruguay (URU) 9
[FLAG] Sri Lanka (SRI) 8
[FLAG] Ecuador (ECU) 6
[FLAG] Barbados (BAR) 5
[FLAG] Ireland, Republic Of (IRL) 5
[FLAG] Kazakhstan (KAZ) 5
[FLAG] Macau (MAC) 5
[FLAG] Costa Rica (CRC) 4
[FLAG] Mongolia (MGL) 4
[FLAG] Montenegro (MTO) 4
[FLAG] Papua New Guinea (PNG) 4
[FLAG] Puerto Rico (PUR) 4
[FLAG] Aruba (ARU) 3
[FLAG] Bolivia (BOL) 3
[FLAG] El Salvador (ESA) 3
[FLAG] Laos (LAO) 3
[FLAG] Malaysia (MAS) 3
[FLAG] Moldova (MDA) 3
[FLAG] Suriname (SUR) 3
[FLAG] Cambodia (CAM) 2
[FLAG] China (CHN) 2
[FLAG] Peru (PER) 2
[FLAG] Andorra (AND) 1
[FLAG] Cayman Islands (CAY) 1
[FLAG] Croatia (CRO) 1
[FLAG] Honduras (HON) 1
[FLAG] Latvia (LAT) 1
[FLAG] Monaco (MON) 1
[FLAG] Romania (ROU) 1
[FLAG] Trinidad And Tobago (TRI) 1
[FLAG] Venezuela (VEN) 1

The results are still available for the following years: