IPSC and BENELLI enter into major partnership in the field of ‘IPSC Shotgun’

IPSC and BENELLI enter into major partnership in the field of ‘IPSC Shotgun’


by IPSCWorld | 7.11.2022| News and Announcements

IPSC and BENELLI enter into major partnership in the field of ‘IPSC Shotgun’

IPSC is pleased to announce the cooperation with the BENELLI as an Official Major Partner in the field of ‘IPSC Shotgun’. The common goal is to promote sport shooting disciplines of IPSC and to contribute to the further expansion of the IPSC community, of currently more than 200,000 members worldwide.

BENELLI has been actively involved in the development of IPSC sport for many years, creating advanced shotguns and are actively involved in sponsoring or organizing competitions and supporting the best IPSC Athletes. A closer partnership will make it even better to listen to the wishes of our  shooting sports community for the benefit and the development of the IPSC Practical Shooting Sport. IPSC is a technical sport. The success of the athletes depends on the quality of the equipment used. With companies like BENELLI producing equipment for IPSC athletes they are also developing IPSC sports. Therefore, IPSC attaches the highest importance to this partnership with BENELLI, that producing and supplying sports shotguns to our  athletes. Only in such close cooperation are victories possible and the best products developed.

A perfect example of this is the new Semiautomatic and Pump shotguns M2 Speed, M2 SP and Nova Speed, which were developed with the feedback of top IPSC athletes. IPSC and BENELLI are looking forward to this partnership which will help benefit shooting
sports and IPSC athletes.

For more information, please follow the links: https://benelli.it/ and www.ipsc.org

IPSC and SHIELD SIGHTS Major Partnership in 2021

IPSC and SHIELD SIGHTS Major Partnership in 2021

IPSC and SHIELD SIGHTS Major Partnership in 2021

We are pleased to announce that the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) and SHIELD SIGHTS (UK) will continue their successful partnership in 2021 and work together in achieving their common goal of supporting IPSC athletes and promoting the sport.

“Our sport is very technical and the success attained by athletes depends on the quality of their equipment. In much the same way as we, as IPSC Representatives, are contributing to the development of the sport, companies that produce the equipment are also helping in fueling its ongoing progress. I‘m glad that we’ve teamed up with our Major Partner SHIELD SIGHTS once again to confirm our good intentions in helping do what‘s best for the IPSC sports community” said Vitaly Kryuchin, IPSC President.

In 2020, IPSC and SHIELD SIGHTS entered into a partnership in the “IPSC Handgun Red Dot Sight“ field.

“We are proud to support IPSC and play our role in helping to raise awareness for our incredibly dynamic and exciting sport. Thanks to my Father Jeremy White we have been extremely close with IPSC since the beginning, whether via competing, being instrumental in the sports growth or offering advantageous products that help to hone the competitors abilities and we plan to remain part of the family for years to come” said James White, Shield Sights Managing Director.

SHIELD SIGHTS manufactures high performance red dot sights. Based on in-depth knowledge, accumulated through 40 years

in the industry, SHIELD SIGHTS are continually seeking to develop innovative products that will enable their customers to hit any chosen target early.

The common goal is to promote IPSC sport shooting disciplines and contribute to further expansion of the IPSC community, which currently has more than 200,000 members around the world, by providing the best products to IPSC athletes.


Asociación importante de IPSC y SHIELD SIGHTS continua en 2021

Nos complace anunciar que la Confederación Internacional de Tiro Práctico (IPSC) y SHIELD SIGHTS (Reino Unido) continuarán su exitosa asociación en 2021 y trabajarán juntos para lograr su objetivo común de apoyar a los atletas de IPSC y promover el deporte.

“Nuestro deporte es muy técnico y el éxito alcanzado por los atletas depende de la calidad de su equipamiento. De la misma manera que nosotros, como representantes de IPSC, estamos contribuyendo al desarrollo del deporte, las empresas que producen el equipo también están contribuyendo a impulsar su progreso continuo. Me alegro de que nos hayamos asociado con nuestro socio principal SHIELD SIGHTS una vez más para confirmar nuestras buenas intenciones de ayudar a hacer lo mejor para la comunidad deportiva de IPSC “, dijo Vitaly Kryuchin, Presidente de IPSC.

En 2020, IPSC y SHIELD SIGHTS se asociaron para desarrolar el “IPSC Handgun Red Dot Sight”.

“Estamos orgullosos de apoyar a IPSC y desempeñar nuestro papel para ayudar a crear conciencia sobre nuestro deporte increíblemente dinámico y emocionante. Gracias a mi padre Jeremy White, hemos estado muy cerca de IPSC desde el principio, ya sea compitiendo, siendo fundamentales en el crecimiento deportivo u ofreciendo productos ventajosos que ayuden a perfeccionar las habilidades de los competidores y planeamos seguir siendo parte de la familia durante años para ven ”, dijo James White, Director Gerente de Shield Sights.

SHIELD SIGHTS fabrica miras de punto rojo de alto rendimiento. Basado en un conocimiento profundo, acumulado durante 40 años

En la industria, SHIELD SIGHTS busca continuamente desarrollar productos innovadores que permitan a sus clientes alcanzar cualquier objetivo elegido de manera temprana.

El objetivo común es promover las disciplinas de tiro deportivo IPSC y contribuir a una mayor expansión de la comunidad IPSC, que actualmente cuenta con más de 200.000 miembros en todo el mundo, proporcionando los mejores productos a los atletas IPSC.

CZ and IPSC continue Global Partnership in 2021

CZ and IPSC continue Global Partnership in 2021

Spanish version is below.

CZ and IPSC continue Global Partnership in 2021

We are pleased to announce that the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) and Ceska zbrojovka a.s. (CZ) will continue their successful global partnership in 2021 and work together in achieving their common goal of supporting IPSC athletes and promoting the sport. 


CZ has supported dynamic IPSC sport shooting disciplines for many years. In 2020, IPSC and CZ entered into a global partnership in the “IPSC Handgun“ field. It is also a partner in the IPSC Handgun World Shoot XIX in Thailand, which is the most important competition of the season.

“We are convinced that this mutual partnership will benefit both parties, reach new IPSC members and contribute to the popularization of this exceptional sport. The IPSC teaches discipline, reinforces the sporting spirit and promotes self-control. It helps develop awareness, strength, confidence and speed. We are very happy to participate in the development of all competitors devoted to the foundations and principles of this rapidly growing sport.” said Jakub SondelCMO at CZ.

“Our sport is very technical and the success attained by athletes depends on the quality of their equipment. In much the same way as we, as IPSC Representatives, are contributing to the development of the sport, companies that produce the equipment are also helping to fuel its ongoing progress. The Global Partnership with CZ helps bring the best products to market and allows our athletes to achieve better results. I‘m glad that we’ve teamed up with our Global Partner once again to confirm our good intentions in helping do what‘s best for the IPSC sports community,” said Vitaly KryuchinIPSC President.

Our common goal with this partnership is to promote IPSC sport shooting disciplines and contribute to further expansion of the IPSC community. Among our many contributions in this area is provision of the best sports specials from the CZ range, which are regularly utilized by top place finishers in IPSC events.



CZ e IPSC continúan su asociación global en 2021


Nos complace anunciar que la Confederación Internacional de Tiro Práctico (IPSC) y Ceska zbrojovka a.s. (CZ) continuará su exitosa asociación global en 2021 y trabajarán juntos para lograr su objetivo común de apoyar a los atletas de IPSC y promover el deporte.

CZ ha apoyado disciplinas de tiro deportivo IPSC dinámicas durante muchos años. En 2020, IPSC y CZ entraron en una asociación global en el campo de IPSC Handgun. También es socio del IPSC Handgun World Shoot XIX en Tailandia, que es la competencia más importante de la temporada.

“Estamos convencidos de que esta asociación mutua beneficiará a ambas partes, llegará a nuevos miembros de IPSC y contribuirá a la popularización de este excepcional deporte. IPSC enseña disciplina, refuerza el espíritu deportivo y promueve el autocontrol. Ayuda a desarrollar la conciencia, la fuerza, la confianza y la velocidad. Estamos muy contentos de participar en el desarrollo de todos los competidores dedicados a los fundamentos y principios de este deporte en rápido crecimiento ”. dijo Jakub Sondel, CMO de CZ.

“Nuestro deporte es muy técnico y el éxito alcanzado por los atletas depende de la calidad de su equipamiento. De la misma manera que nosotros, como representantes de IPSC, estamos contribuyendo al desarrollo del deporte, las empresas que producen el equipo también están contribuyendo a impulsar su progreso continuo. La Asociación Global con CZ ayuda a llevar los mejores productos al mercado y permite a nuestros atletas lograr mejores resultados. Me alegro de que nos hayamos asociado con nuestro socio global una vez más para confirmar nuestras buenas intenciones de ayudar a hacer lo mejor para la comunidad deportiva de IPSC ”, dijo Vitaly Kryuchin, Presidente de IPSC.

Nuestro objetivo común con esta asociación es promover las disciplinas de tiro deportivo IPSC y contribuir a una mayor expansión de la comunidad IPSC. Entre nuestras muchas contribuciones en esta área se encuentra la provisión de las mejores especiales deportivas de la gama CZ, que son utilizadas regularmente por los primeros clasificados en eventos IPSC.

IPSC and KAHLES partnership continues for the second year

IPSC and KAHLES partnership continues for the second year

Spanish version is below.

IPSC and KAHLES partnership continues for the second year 


We are pleased to announce that the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) and KAHLES will continue the successful partnership in 2021 and further exploit the common goal to promote the sport shooting disciplines of the IPSC. 

“We at KAHLES are grateful for the professional co-operation and the opportunities this partnership provides to us. Despite the pandemic challenges we have been able to intensify our networking with the IPSC community, sharpening our understanding of the challenges of this sport and feed it to our product engineers.

Based on insights from some of the best IPSC athletes we have launched the KAHLES K 18i. The specially designed IPSC reticle or the MAXLIGHT function which offers the brightest illumination dot in the market can help to bring athletes to the next level. And there is more to come. 

In 2020 we have more than doubled the numbers of KAHLES riflescopes in the short action segment. We take this as a proof that the community values both, our efforts to enhance performance of our customers as well as the partnership with IPSC, for which we are very proud of.

We thank Vitaly Kryuchin, IPSC President, and his team for the friendship and professional co-operation and are looking forward to another successful year of partnership.” said Christian Hahn, Head of Product Management, KAHLES.

“Practical shooting is a technical sport and a lot depends on the equipment of the athlete. In IPSC we can use only high quality and reliable firearms and equipment. KAHLES, together with our top athletes, successfully created a new rifle scope that meets all the requirements of our sport. 

I am very glad that our cooperation and partnership have led to the best product for the athletes and increase in sales of our Major Partner last year and I hope it will grow in the future!” said Vitaly Kryuchin, IPSC President.

IPSC and KAHLES entered into a partnership for riflescopes in the field of ‘IPSC Rifle’ in 2020. 

The common goal is to promote the sport shooting disciplines of IPSC and to contribute to further expanding the IPSC community of today more than 200.000 members worldwide by providing the best product to the IPSC athletes.


La sociedad entre IPSC y KAHLES continúa por segundo año

Nos complace anunciar que la Confederación Internacional de Tiro Práctico (IPSC) y KAHLES continuarán la exitosa asociación en 2021 y seguirán desarrollando el objetivo común de promover las disciplinas de tiro deportivo de la IPSC.

“En KAHLES estamos agradecidos por la cooperación profesional y las oportunidades que nos brinda esta asociación. A pesar de los desafíos de la pandemia, hemos podido intensificar nuestro trabajo en conjunto con la comunidad IPSC, agudizando nuestra comprensión de los desafíos de este deporte y transmitiéndolo a nuestros ingenieros de producto”.

Basándonos en los conocimientos de algunos de los mejores atletas de IPSC, hemos lanzado la mira KAHLES K 18i. La mira IPSC especialmente diseñada y la función MAXLIGHT que ofrece el punto de iluminación más brillante del mercado pueden ayudar a llevar a los atletas al siguiente nivel. Y hay más por venir!

En 2020, hemos duplicado con creces el número de visores KAHLES en el segmento de acción corta. Tomamos esto como una prueba de que la comunidad valora tanto nuestros esfuerzos para mejorar el desempeño de nuestros clientes como la asociación con IPSC, de la cual estamos muy orgullosos.

Agradecemos a Vitaly Kryuchin, presidente de IPSC, ya su equipo por la amistad y la cooperación profesional, y esperamos otro año exitoso de asociación ”. dijo Christian Hahn, director de gestión de productos de KAHLES.

“El tiro práctico es un deporte técnico y mucho depende del equipamiento del deportista. En IPSC solo podemos utilizar armas y equipos de alta calidad y confiables. KAHLES, junto con nuestros mejores atletas, creó con éxito una nueva mira telescópica que cumple con todos los requisitos de nuestro deporte.

¡Estoy muy contento de que nuestra cooperación y asociación hayan llevado al desarrollo de un mejor producto para los atletas y al aumento de las ventas de nuestro socio principal el año pasado y espero que crezca en el futuro! ” dijo Vitaly Kryuchin, presidente de IPSC.

IPSC y KAHLES se asociaron para desarrollar miras en el campo del “Rifle IPSC” en 2020.

El objetivo común es promover las disciplinas de tiro deportivo de IPSC y contribuir a expandir aún más la comunidad IPSC de hoy en día más de 200.000 miembros en todo el mundo, proporcionando el mejor producto a los atletas IPSC.

IPSC and SHIELD SIGHTS enter into partnership for red dot sight space in the field of IPSC Handgun

IPSC and SHIELD SIGHTS enter into partnership for red dot sight space in the field of IPSC Handgun

IPSC is pleased to announce the cooperation with the SHIELD SIGHTS as an official Major Partner in the field of the
IPSC Handgun red dot sight space. IPSC and SHIELD SIGHTS share a common interest in promoting the IPSC idea

Shield Sights manufactures high performance red dot sights. Based on in-depth knowledge, accumulated through 30 years
in the industry, Shield Sights are continually seeking to develop innovative products that will enable to hit the target early.

“Our sport is a technical sport. The success of athletes depends on the quality of the equipment. Companies producing
equipment for our athletes are also developing sports as we, IPSC officials. Therefore, we attach the highest importance
to partnership with companies producing and supplying sports products to our athletes. Because only in such close
cooperation are victories and the best products for humanity born!” said Vitaly Kryuchin, IPSC President.

“Shield Sights are proud to be partnering with IPSC and look forward to an exciting future as the sport continues to
develop. Our company’s founder, Jeremy White was one of the early UKPSA members and has remained a key member
since. Competing in over 8 IPSC World Shoots, the core principles that drive the design of our sights, come from years of
experience competing at the highest level in IPSC and our philosophy that has flourished from this remarkable journey is
Fit, Form & Function (Fit – the most efficient interconnection between sight and gun. Form – the sight is small, light and
clear whilst offering the best visual characteristics. Function – the sight improves the shooters ability to hit any chosen
target early). Shield Sights are made by shooters, for shooters.” said James White, Managing Director, Shield Sights.

In 2019 IPSC updated the rule books and two new divisions IPSC Production Optics and IPSC Production Optics Light in
the IPSC Handgun Competition appeared. Today in IPSC matches the optical/electronic sights are allowed for use of the
athletes in three IPSC Handgun divisions such as Open division, Production Optics and Production Optics Light divisions.

For more information, please contact: [email protected]

IPSC and CZ enter into global partnership in the field of IPSC Handgun

IPSC and CZ enter into global partnership in the field of IPSC Handgun

April 7, 2020


IPSC and CZ enter into global partnership in the field of ‘IPSC Handgun’


IPSC and CZ are pleased to announce the Global partnership in the field of ‘IPSC Handgun’. The common goal is support IPSC athletes, sport itself, and improve the safe gun-handling culture worldwide.

CZ has supported sport shooting disciplines for years. Now, another important step in our support of dynamic sport shooting is the global partnership of CZ (Česká zbrojovka a.s.) with the IPSC (International Practical Shooting Confederation). Furthermore, we are proud to announce too that Česká zbrojovka a.s. becomes a partner of the IPSC Handgun World Shoot XIX in Thailand, the most important competition in the upcoming IPSC shooting season.

The worldwide IPSC organization promotes, maintains and improves the sport of practical shooting, organizes competitions around the world and promotes safe and recreational use of firearms. And it is precisely these goals that CZ decided to support with its work. CZ is looking forward to the cooperation, which aims to support athletes and the sport itself.

“We are convinced that mutual partnership will benefit both parties and we believe that it will be able to reach new IPSC members and contribute to the popularization of this exceptional sport. IPSC teaches discipline, sport spirit and self-control. It develops perception, strength, confidence and speed. It is a great pleasure for us to contribute to the development of anyone who devotes to this fast-growing sport, its foundations and principles.” said Jakub Sondel, CMO at CZ.

“Our sport is a technical sport. The success of athletes depends on the quality of the equipment. Companies producing equipment for our athletes are also developing sports as we, IPSC officials. Therefore, we attach the highest importance to the partnership with companies producing and supplying sports products to our athletes. Because only in such close cooperation are victories and the best products for humanity born! The Global Partnership with Česká zbrojovka a.s. in the field of ‘IPSC Handgun’ will bring the best products to the market, will help our athletes to show better results and will improve the safe gun-handling culture worldwide.” said Vitaly Kryuchin, IPSC President.


Česká zbrojovka a.s. is part of the international holding Česká zbrojovka Group. It is a leading engineering company specializing in the manufacture and sales of small arms, including accessories (ammunition, ballistic products etc.). The company also provides comprehensive solutions for hunting and sport as well as for armed forces.

Website: https://www.czub.cz/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CZfirearms/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/czguns/?hl=cs

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbdPQRXAzqkD0VFwEwmsgqQ


The International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) recognizes all the shooting disciplines – Handgun, Rifle, Shotgun, and Action Air. In IPSC stage the result being points scored on targets divided by the time needed to complete a stage. The athlete must be the most accurate and fastest to win! Therefore, the competitions are very exciting for athletes and interesting for spectators. At IPSC, responsible and safe gun handling is the most important qualification any athlete must possess… fun and camaraderie surely follow! Today IPSC is actively present in 105 countries, all categories: men, women, juniors and seniors are recognized.


Website: https://www.ipsc.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IPSCWorld/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/IPSCWorld